Worry Distracts Us from Our Eternal Life

By Mike Henry Sr.

Yesterday, we wrote about how we can join God and live our eternal life now. (See Live Your Eternal Life Now.) We experience the joy and the purpose of following Jesus by praying without ceasing and doing everything we do for his glory. Worry is one way we get distracted from being present with God in our eternal life now. The test of our ability to stay present with Jesus lies in what it takes to distract us.

What makes you go back to living your temporal life? When I worry, I tune Jesus out. I begin to imagine a future where Jesus isn’t present. I imagine a future without Jesus.

“For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life…” Matthew 6:25 NASB

I may start asking myself questions. How will I get all of this work done? What will the boss think? What happens if we lose that deal? Will the stock drop? What will happen when I turn in that report?

The test of our faith is what it takes to get us to imagine any future moment without Jesus. He is in control. He is working all things together for good (Romans 8:28). And everything will happen when he says. He knows every detail, and he has it under control. When I imagine a moment in the future that is outside of God’s control, I punch out of my eternal life and I take up my old life. I live like a practical atheist.

Today at work, look for opportunities to live like you know Jesus has your future under control. Do your best (Colossians 3:23-24). Honor your commitments (Matthew 5:37). And give your life away (Matthew 5:42). Jesus has your situation under control. Hardships will come (John 16:33) and Jesus will make a way through it for you.

The difference you make in another person’s life will matter forever.

Photo by Dominik Scythe on Unsplash This post was inspired by Our Careful Unbelief – the May 23, My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers

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