Disciples Learn Through Action Part 2

By Mike Henry Sr.

The disciples learned through action:

After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” John 13:5-6 NASB

Without saying a word, Jesus washed the disciples’ feet. No words are recorded until he “came to Simon Peter.” (John 13:1-6 NASB). I wonder how many feet Jesus washed before he got to Peter?

No one else thought to wash feet. They knew it was a custom, even a common courtesy. It was proper. Lowly people, servants, washed feet, not the people who were going to sit with Jesus in his kingdom. Washing feet is dirty work. No one volunteered.

Strategic Demonstration

Do you think this was an afterthought? Or was this action an object lesson? I expect the disciples often ate without having washed feet because they didn’t have a servant. No one wanted to be last. They often argued about who would be first in the kingdom. But this was Passover: the highest and most holy of feasts for the Jews. It was the one meal of meals that pointed to the work of Jesus. This was his time. And again, no one washed feet. It was time for the lesson.

Action First

A disciple is a doer, not a talker. In our workplaces, we are able to serve others in the name of Jesus. As we ask God to give us ideas, the Holy Spirit enlightens us and equips us to do things we wouldn’t imagine. Could you work extra in your job, then use the slack you created to help a coworker? What if you came in early to do something special for someone? How do you think it would be received if you helped someone in another department, or if you took out the trash, or stayed to clean up the break room after lunch?

Act Now!

How much can you do without saying a word? Ask God to show you how to give your life and your career away a little at a time so that others would see Jesus. He got you the job you have so you could make him visible there. He wants to put you to work. Ask God to give you ideas and then do them! Make some holy mistakes and learn. You will walk closer to Jesus and you will grow more in your faith without ever saying a word! I promise.

Photo by rawpixel from Pexels

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